by Motivational Quotes | Aug 3, 2011 | Books Quotes, Celebrity Quotes, Famous Quotes, Favorite Quotes, Goal Setting Quotes, Happiness Quotes, history quotes, Inspirational quotes, Knowledge Quotes, Leadership Quotes, Life Quotes, Love Quotes, Mood Lifting Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Peace Quotes, Success Quotes, Wisdom Quotes
We are living too hectic and busy life with constant cell phone, iphones, televisions, computer and other noises in life, peace is something we are craving secretly inside. Slowing down and taking time to smell roses sounds like a wonderful things to do, but many time...
by Motivational Quotes | Aug 1, 2011 | Celebrity Quotes, Famous Quotes, Favorite Quotes, Happiness Quotes, Inspirational quotes, Knowledge Quotes, Life Quotes, Love Quotes, Mood Lifting Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Success Quotes, Wisdom Quotes
We all wish to be happy all the time, while it may not be possible, we can surely try to be happy most of the time. Happiness will be doubled if you share it, hence I am sharing some of the inspirational and motivational quotes by famous wise people to inspire us to...
by Motivational Quotes | Jul 11, 2011 | Celebrity Quotes, Famous Quotes, Favorite Quotes, Funny Quotes, Happiness Quotes, Inspirational quotes, Life Quotes, Love Quotes, Mood Lifting Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Relationship Quotes, Wisdom Quotes
Life without humor is, food without salt. Many of our daily life can be hectic, chaotic and downright serious. We could all use some refreshing, motivational funny sayings to bring little laughter in to our lives. Please check out some funny and famous quotes and...
by Motivational Quotes | Jul 2, 2011 | Celebrity Quotes, Famous Quotes, Favorite Quotes, Happiness Quotes, Inspirational quotes, Knowledge Quotes, Life Quotes, Love Quotes, Mood Lifting Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Peace Quotes, Success Quotes, Teacher Quotes, Wisdom Quotes
Motivational and inspirational quotes from wise man Dalai Lama, He simply amazes me with his wisdom and his teaching about peace and contentedness. Dalai Lama is one of wisest leader who inspires many of us to live better. My religion is very simple. My religion is...
by Motivational Quotes | Jun 30, 2011 | Celebrity Quotes, Famous Quotes, Favorite Quotes, Happiness Quotes, Inspirational quotes, Knowledge Quotes, Life Quotes, Love Quotes, Mood Lifting Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Peace Quotes, Success Quotes, Teacher Quotes, Wisdom Quotes
Here are some inspirational and motivational quotes by very inspirational Lady herself, Mother Teresa! We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do. ~ Mother Teresa I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbor. Do you know your next door...
by Motivational Quotes | Jun 27, 2011 | Abraham Lincoln Quotes, Celebrity Quotes, Famous Quotes, Favorite Quotes, Goal Setting Quotes, Inspirational quotes, Knowledge Quotes, Leadership Quotes, Life Quotes, Mood Lifting Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Success Quotes, Wisdom Quotes
Abraham Lincoln is one of wisest man that is admired throughout the world. He was not only one of the best US president but his skill as a leader and his upbringing from hard work till his death is so inspirational and motivational for many. Here are some of wisdom...