Motivational Quotes From Dalai Lama

Motivational and inspirational quotes from wise man Dalai Lama, He simply amazes me with his wisdom and his teaching about peace and contentedness. Dalai Lama is one of wisest leader who inspires many of us to live better. My religion is very simple. My religion is...

Wisdom Quotes From Mother Teresa

Here are some inspirational and motivational quotes by very inspirational Lady herself, Mother Teresa! We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do. ~ Mother Teresa I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbor. Do you know your next door...

Teacher Quotes: Motivational Quotes about Educators

Teaching is one of noblest profession and once upon a time, teacher were looked upon as a second to god for some students. While our generation have changed that outlook but there are great teachers who still can make a huge difference in a child’s life. Treat...

Knowledge Quotes: Wisdom Quotes About Knowledge

Without knowledge we can achieve anything, everything can be lost such as money, career, house but what you have learned in your mind, always stays with you! Knowledge is power. Lack of knowledge… that is the problem. -W. Edwards Deming Scholastic learning and...