Famous, Fun and Funny Quotes and Sayings

Life without humor is, food without salt. Many of our daily life can be hectic, chaotic and downright serious. We could all use some refreshing, motivational funny sayings to bring little laughter in to our lives. Please check out some funny and famous quotes and...

Funny Saying and Quotes about Women and Relationship

Women are one of smarter and emotional creature in relationship. I know because I am one. There are lot of fun and funny sayings, quotes and poems about relationship between men and women is been said and written. They are meant for light hearted fun reading. Enjoy...

Motivational Quotes From Dalai Lama

Motivational and inspirational quotes from wise man Dalai Lama, He simply amazes me with his wisdom and his teaching about peace and contentedness. Dalai Lama is one of wisest leader who inspires many of us to live better. My religion is very simple. My religion is...

Wisdom Quotes From Mother Teresa

Here are some inspirational and motivational quotes by very inspirational Lady herself, Mother Teresa! We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do. ~ Mother Teresa I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbor. Do you know your next door...

Husband and Wives Sayings: Marriage Quotes

Love and marriage goes together like a horse and carriage! There are many things written about husbands and wives and marriages; some are inspirational and some are downright funny! Here are some marriage quotes from famous people and kids too. No man is regular in...