Yet More Abraham Lincoln Quotes

Abraham Lincoln was US President, leader and very much inspiring person for many. You can more about his life fiction and nonfiction by clicking here. Abraham Lincoln. There is another old poet whose name I do not now remember who said, “Truth is the daughter of...

Follow Your Dreams: Quotes about Dreams

Dream can come true! We would know that, when have dreams and we follow our dreams, despite the obstacle and naysayers! Here are some dreams quotes and dreams saying to inspire you to follow your dreams or find out what what dream means in your life by following...

Finding Peace Quotes

We are living too hectic and busy life with constant cell phone, iphones, televisions, computer and other noises in life, peace is something we are craving secretly inside. Slowing down and taking time to smell roses sounds like a wonderful things to do, but many time...

Abraham Lincoln Quotes: Famous Sayings Of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is one of wisest man that is admired throughout the world. He was not only one of the best US president but his skill as a leader and his upbringing from hard work till his death is so inspirational and motivational for many. Here are some of wisdom...

Quotes By Gandhi: Wisdom Mahama Gandhi Sayings

Mohandas Gandhi was one of the wisest man and man about Peace. Even Martin Luther King was influenced by his philosophy and life when he started his civil freedom for black in USA. Here are some inspirational and motivational quotes by Gandhi that will inspire and...

Success Quotes: Lifting Up Quotes For Finding Success

Here are some quotes by famous and wise folks of our life about finding success. Inspirational and motivational quotes to lift up your spirit and make you steps closer to achieve success in your life. “Hitch your wagon to a star” — RALPH WALDO EMERSON ” Be...